Phylum Nematoda

Roundworms are unsegmented worms that have pseudocoeloms and digestive systems with two openings: a mouth and an anus.

Parasitic roundworms include trichinosis- causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms, and hookworms

Reproduction in nematode:

Roundworms reproduce sexually, and most species of roundworms have separate males and females . Roundworms reproduce using internal fertilization. Usually, the male deposits sperm inside the female’s reproductive tract. Parasitic roundworms, such as hookworms or ascarid worms, often have complex life cycles that involve two or three different hosts or several organs within a single host.

Respiration in nematode:

 Like flatworms, roundworms exchange gases and excrete metabolic waste through their body walls. They have no internal transport system. Therefore, they depend on diffusion to carry nutrients and waste through their bodies.